Saturday, June 14, 2008

Bullying Kids - Should Not Happen!

Children have hundred excuses to forward if you catch them bullying others. "I was only teasing Dad!" or "It was just a joke, never mind!" These are some of the common excuses made by Bullies. It could be anyone, small kid or a grown up, a boy or a girl. If your kid is hurting someone, either physically or emotionally, then he/she is turning into a bully and that is not a very good sign.

Given below are some of the common acts of bullying kids:

  • They always pretend to take things in an easy manner.
  • They never allow other to speak. Moreover, they speak loudly.
  • Smaller or younger kids are their main targets. They also look out for kids with no friends.
  • They usually spread false rumours.
  • They often hurt their victim by teasing, blackmailing, hurting them or by damaging their belongings.

Here are some significant tips to handle the bullying behaviour of your kid:

  • Sit calmly with your kid and make him/her understand the distinction between an unacceptable and acceptable behaviour.
  • It would be advisable for parents to avoid any kind of accusation or confrontation with your kid. You must talk coolly and calmly with your kid.
  • Suggest alternatives to avoid the bullying behaviour. For instance, you must have patience, count one to ten or respect others.
  • Set some rules to stop the bullying behaviour of your kid. Explain the consequences of bullying behaviour.
  • You can also take help of school authorities to put an end to the bullying behaviour of your kid.

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